11.5g Suited Clay Poker Chips Critical Overview

 My brother and I decided three weeks ago to upgrade our poker supplies. We are a couple of bachelors who enjoy the thrill of playing cards and hitting the clubs on weekends. We didn't go to the clubs in that order. Instead, we bought a nice set of 11.5g Suited Clay Poker Chips.

Our family had their annual tournament, and we wanted everyone to understand the Vegas atmosphere better. There won't be beautiful women, bells ringing every corner, or waiters and servers taking care of every need. Even something as simple as 11.5g Suited Clay Poker Chips will bring a smile to your face.

Remember that our family outings are attended by everyone, including our grandma Edna, who turned 87 in January. Her comment about our new chips was memorable. "Jason! Did you find a new job?" To have excellent poker chips like this, you must be working somewhere else.

On a spur-of-the-moment basis, the only thing I could think of was, "Yea, grandma Edna," which is what I replied. It was funny because half of the room looked at it like I had just been made a mob boss. The rest of the night was filled with stares and comments that made me feel like I wasn't part of the family.

This isn't a sob story. The truth is, I'm a professional poker player, but only online. Although I work an hourly job five days a week, it is all about poker on weekends. Our five-dollar tournament netted us over two hundred dollars, and I was the big winner. It just made me seem more credible when I told everyone about my new job.

Even if I didn't click on an online poker site once, the 11.5g Suited Clay Poker Chips would make people think we are big poker players Kasino bonus. These chips are exceptional, and you can see them for yourself. Each suit shape is placed around the outside of the chip, with indentions on the inside. This makes them professional.

The best part is that the whole family can enjoy a real taste of what life at a casino is like. They don't make the sound, but they have the look and weight that will give you the pleasure of using them. While not everyone has a grandma Edna, her comments are a testament to how people see the 11.5g Suited Clay Poker Chips. You'll probably feel the same after seeing them. Consider adding cards, tables, or slot machines. We'll have to wait and watch.
